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Friday, November 20, 2009

My final graph cs2

Final graph of Communication Skill 2

How to make great decoration mini aquarium

Fishkeeping, although not a new hobby, now bears little resemblance to its form of 100 year ago. Technical advances, especially fast air transportation, have resulted in modern, satisfying
hobbies that appeal to people everywhere.
Concentrating on the history of fishkeeping would not necessarily introduce the newcomer to the hobby. Compared with other hobbies and pastimes, fishkeeping require relatively little time from the hobbyist. Even when inc
reasing coast are considered, the reward, when compared with capital outlay, seem to be proportionately higher than with other hobbies.
Fishkeeping is a quite, self contained interest and has little nuisance value either to the neighbors or to the hobbyist’s vacation plans. If the aquarium is prepared correctly and the guidance on aquarium management if followed, this should be a very fulfilling pastime. The only real problem will be finding rooms for those extra tanks.

If you have it all thing in you aquarium you can create one decorate mini aquarium as well as you can get it material.

The size of aquarium
The size of the aquarium also depends on its position, choose the size of the aquarium depen
ding on the requirement of the fish for almost every species, a description of how large the aquarium should be to give the fish what they need and how many you put a decoration into your aquarium and if you want to enjoy your aquarium for longer, then a glass aquarium is simply the best choice.

Setting up your aquarium
When setting up the aquarium the same applies as when choosing its size and shape; it is question of taste and budget but accommodation must above all be suitable for the species of fish that will live in the aquarium. If you want some “greenery” in your aquarium you can use fresh plants or plastic plants.

Gravel and sand
Gravel comes in all shapes, colours and sizes, type of gravel you use will depend not only on you personal preference, but also on the preference of the fish that you will be keeping in the aquarium. The colour of the sand or gravel is also important this make them feel more secure then and their colours come out much better.

Decorate wood
It comes in convoluted shapes and therefore offers ideal refuges for smaller fish. One very common problem with this wood is that it can turn the water an orange colour after a time to avoid this treating the wood first with a thin coat of transparent polyurethane lacquer.

Before buying the plants that look nice at first glance, it is best to draw up the plan. Some fish varieties are plant eaters and will see your aquarium full of vegetation as a huge banquet. Other fish like feathery leafed plants or floating plants because they can hide among the thick leaves.

Preparing the water
This means that there should definitely not be any substances in the water which are harmful to people. Chlorine is added in small quantities to keep the water free from bacteria and make it drinkable for people. Fish have a protective, slimy coating over their scales which, amongst other thing, protect them from harmful bacteria and other pathogenic organisms.

Buying fish
If you want to buy fish, it is best to go to an aquarium centre because an aquarium centre will sell a full range of aquarium equipment and fish and the staff will be properly trained in this area. Here you will not only find the most popular fish, but also less well know species, some of which are very suitable for new aquarists.

y food, such as food tablets, sticks, flakes and granules, from an excellent basic staple for nearly every type of fish. The advantage of dry food is that you always have it available and you do not need to keep it in the deep freezer, and you do not have to go out regularly to buy it. Another advantage is that dry food is absolutely free from parasites and other causes of disease.